
Chicken Quesadillas

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Chicken Quesadillas

This chicken quesadilla recipe is great to make for just about any occasion. Zesty chicken, cooked peppers, and melted cheese are a delightful combination. Cut into wedges and serve with sour cream and salsa.

Prep time + Ingredients

This meal yeilds up to 10 servings with 30 minutes of prep time when chicken is cooked on medium/low heat.

  • Around 800g/ 1kg Chicken Thighs (chicken breast is fine too)
  • 1/2 Tbsp Salt
  • 1/2 Tbsp Pepper
  • 1/2 Tbsp Chilli Flakes
  • 1/2 Tbsp Paprika
  • Desired amount of onion and peppers, chopped
  • 1/2 Tbsp Scotch Bonnet Powder
  • 10 (10 inch) flour tortillas
  • Drizzle of Lemon
  1. Season chicken with salt, pepper, chili flakes, paprika, and bonnet powder.
  2. Allow chicken to marinate for about an hour
  3. Lightly grease pan with choice oil and heat pan to medium/low heat
  4. Place chicken inside pan
  5. After allowing chicken to cook until tender, remove chicken from pan
  6. Add onion and peppers into pan and allow vegtables to sweat
  7. Remove vegtables from pan, place flour tortilla in the vegetable/meat residue
  8. Place fillings inside one half of tortilla, fold over tortilla after 3 minutes
  9. Remove chicken quesadilla from pan and serve

Don't let those extra ingrdients go to waste!

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