(Supported by NASA Microgravity Fluids Physics Program).

[In collaboration with Robert P. Behringer , Duke University) and the engineering group at NASA Glenn Research Center].

This research centers on the study of phase transitions in granular materials, in particular in the dense phase, when the volume fraction is close to random close packing. These phase transitions are strongly influenced and modified by gravity. In order to understand the basic physical picture it would be therefore very useful to perform experiments in zero gravity. These experiments were prepared both at Duke and at NASA Glenn Research Center. At NJIT, we supported the experimental efforts by performing 2D and 3D simulations of granular systems. These simulations were developed both for zero gravity, and for the Earth gravity case.

Animation is here ).

Animations of a granular system sheared in channel geometry can be found here:

Monodisperse system: Long version Short version

Polydisperse system: Short version

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